For those in the dark : `The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.’
To be honest, this Sunshine Award may well be my first award of any kind, having been graciously nominated by ex-Seattle, Californian blogger and writer Annie Boreson of Annie off Leash. Annie’s writing? I’ll take a stab at describing it as `irreverent, heartfelt and anecdotal’, but that just doesn’t seem to do the job. Her style is in fact very, very funny with just a twist of self-deprecation; sort of witty with dash of hara-kiri.
As a long-time writer, but short-time blogger (1st post 23rd Nov 2012), this award means a lot to me coming as it does from a respected peer; so thanks heaps Annie for the nomination. I must say, it seems likely our writing `careers’ began on a similarly rocky road: with an enthusiastic English teacher and a correction pen prone to leaking red ink on anything it touched.
Regarding my own writing endeavours: I once posted on a top US writer’s site on the subject of `writers and fame’ as follows –
`Maybe it’s not fame that’s important.
But I think we – as writers – do need some form of recognition or appreciation.’
The blunt reply was-
`Indeed. But I think identity comes from within. No amount of affirmation can make you believe in yourself or actuality your calling.’
Although the above sentiment may be brutally honest, I would find the going exceedingly tough without some peer and reader encouragement.
On the blogging side, I’m often taken with the originality and honesty from every corner of the globe; the touching, poignant, the witty and downright funny posts that continue to pour from the human heart and imagination.
Now, back to this `Sunshine Award’…
Here are 7-things about myself –
I enjoy writing, hiking, architecture, the arts and travel.
I write mostly on people, places and the human condition.
I would like to visit the places I have yet been unable to get to; from Petra or Cappadocia to Antarctica. There’s always something new to experience somewhere.
I would like to meet Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi and Barak Obama.
I believe the base human necessities include tolerance, compassion, understanding and education.
I wish for good health and a good life for all.
I hope for a more peaceful world.
And so, for my selection of ten bloggers I consider sparkling personalities with uplifting blogs, after Annie, in alphabetical order –
1/ Channeling Hippocrates – a personal blog with sometimes fictional musings on life, love and creativity, by a US anaesthetist and artist.
2/ dar sketches – an artistic street-level sketch commentary on the African city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Also encouraging creative writing and the collection of local histories.
3/ Edenland – a personal blog and often moving Australian perspective of where we are placed socially.
4/ from Ibajay to Nuuk,Greenland! – a personal blog on a Fillipine woman living in Greenland.
5/ JerseyLil’s 2 Cents – a personal blog on all aspects of life, past and present. From a US East Coast Copyeditor/Proofreader.
6/ LTO Cambodia – observations on daily life in the Khmer Republic.
7/ nothing profound – regular worldly poetic aphorisms; on life, death, beauty, change, love and happiness.
8/ One Grain Amongst the Storm – an eclectic collection of thoughts from an Indian perspective; a melding of truthful and magical monologues, fiction, photography and book reviews.
9/ ropcorn – a personal everyday blog on the life of a Swede and her dog.
10/talesthroughtime – a brand new blog documenting the creative writing progress of a UK literature student.
Please take the time to visit my 10-nominations above as time permits. They are a varied lot and I’m certain you’ll find much to write home about.
And lastly – as always – thanks for reading!
I think you’ve earned this. Thanks for being the first person (outside of a RL friend) to comment on my new blog. I’m saving up my pennies, nickels and dimes to make a virgin voyage to the Southern Hemisphere, so I will likely revisit to gain inspiration to do more than pay self-inflicted library fines with those pennies, nickels and dimes.
and… greetings from Minnesota…
Hullo CL.
What a nice surprise.
Minnesota! Ah, where as I was once told, the humble mosquito is the official State bird.
Thanks for the kind words.
Cheers, ic
Ian, it’s wonderful having you as part of the BC community. I regard that as my real award.
Thank you for the compliment NP. I do admire your style.
Cheers, ic
You’re right about the importance of encouragement. Thank you once again! 🙂
My pleasure Jasmine.
Looking forward to more of your work!
Cheers, ic
Ian, it has got to be a special sunshine on my storm-ridden blog! Yes, the acknowledgements from wordsmiths like you go a long way in buttressing the ‘identity within’, there are few ways out of that paradox. I am touring an Internet challenged land and will check out on some of those links that are new to me soon.
It was great to learn more about you! A million thanks to you! 🙂
Hullo Uma,
Your blog was an easy choice. I do enjoy your writing immensely.
Cheers, ic